Tejaswi Mani Pokala

Software developer

Wannabe tech freak but laziness holds me back.  Inquisitive beyond imagination. I write which I think will relate to you guys. So, Happy Reading :P  

My Blogs 

Our mind is such a beautiful thing. Isn't it? It takes us to a world of the unknown when we are thinking of it. HAHA... I mean to say dreaming. Of course, most of you think it is night but we can do daydreaming too :p. You guys were like: "I know this, so what?". So, This dreaming concept seems...

This insecurity feels like a game. It's not a fun game at all... it plays with all our minds, constantly thinking that 'Am I looking good?' or 'She is so perfect... look at me with the acne, double chin and all.' *sigh* Why... I mean why... it plays games with our minds. I think that this little brain of...

I am wondering this for a long time, not like a fact checker or something like does this exist. Some say yes it is and some say no and its fake. You feel emotions like anxiety, stress, affection and many more. what does this with your brain?

Read in detail here

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